Saturday, February 15, 2025
  • The Municipal Civil Division of the Clerk of Courts office accepts and maintains all civil cases involving dollar amounts up to $15,000. Civil cases include: landlord tenant disputes, personal injury, contract disputes, small claims, evictions, rent escrow, garnishment collections, debtor trusteeships, and appeals to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles for 12-point driving suspensions. The Civil Division processes small claims cases up to $6,000.

    Notice: Filing an Eviction with Affidavit

    According to the Municipal Court Administrative Orders (click below), during the COVID-19 crisis, every eviction filed requires an affidavit filed along with the complaint. To figure out which affidavit needs to be filed, please see the flow chart provided by our help center.

    Administrative Orders
    Cares Act Compliance Administrative Order
    FHA Compliance Affidavit Administrative Order

    Tips for obtaining information on Municipal Court Operations

    If you have a pending case or are a witness in a case please see below for ways to obtain up to date case information.
    To search for information on Hamilton County Municipal or Common Please cases click on the records search tab at the top of the homepage.
    Additional information on Hamilton County Courts at

    Criminal/Traffic Court Dates Assignment Commissioner (513) 946-6250 or (513)946-5190
    Bond Posting Procedures or other criminal/traffic questions

    (513) 946-6040
    Civil Cases

    (513) 946-5700
    License Intervention Program (“LIP”)

    (513) 946-5153

    City Prosecutor: (513) 352-5333
    County Prosecutor: (513) 946-3000

    (513) 946-5163
    Public Defender

    (513) 946-3700

    Hours of Operation
    Monday – Friday, 8:00AM – 4:00PM*

    Hamilton County Courthouse
    1000 Main Street, Rm. 115
    Cincinnati, OH 45202
    Phone (513) 946-5700

    *Filings may also be completed via E-Filing.

    Municipal Civil Bailiffs

    The Civil Bailiff’s office is a division of the Clerk of Courts. The Civil Bailiff’s job is to serve summons, subpoenas, order of possessions and physical evictions. They also collect money for plaintiffs in civil judgments. A landlord that needs to set an eviction in motion should call the office between 1:30 and 3:00 Monday – Friday: (513) 946-5599