Saturday, February 15, 2025
  • Request Record

    Court records may be requested using the attached form. Please be as descriptive as possible regarding what court document(s) you are seeking. Unclear requests will result in a delay. If the record is in archive or on microfilm there may be a delay in processing the request. This office maintains court records going back to the late 19th and early 20th Centuries.
    • Redactions made to records pursuant to either Ohio Law or Court order will be visibly marked.
    • Page numbers can be found on the “View Case Documents” tab located near the case summary when viewing a case.
    • If records need to hand redacted, costs may apply even if the records are delivered electronically.
    • This office verifies court records. This office will not verify identities or personal identifiers.
    • Commercial requesters are restricted to 10 documents a month. All of a company’s agents are restricted to the company’s 10 documents.
    Please consult the public record policy and the attached costs.
    Questions can be submitted to
    The Clerk of Court’s Office does not perform background checks. If you are seeking a formal background check, please contact the Hamilton County, Ohio Sheriff’s Office 513-946-6400, or click on the link provided.

    Schedule a Background Check


    Public Records Policy

    Effective 10/1/2020


    This office will facilitate the prompt inspection of public records and will provide copies of public records in a reasonable period of
    time. Public records requests will be addressed in the order in which the requests for records are received. Although no specific language is required to make a public records request, the requester must identify the desired records with sufficient clarity to allow this office to identify, retrieve, and review the records. If it is not clear what records are being sought, the office will contact the requester for clarification, and will assist the requester by informing the requester of the manner in which the office maintains its
    records. If this office redacts or denies a request for records, an explanation including legal authority will be provided. Requesters need not provide their identity or their intended use of the requested public records. Those who make their request for records in person need not put their request in writing. If the requested records cannot be provided to an in-person requestor immediately, the Clerk’s Office staff will contact the requestor when the records are available.


    Under Ohio law, public records are defined as: “Any document, device, or item, regardless of physical form or characteristic … created
    or received by or coming under the jurisdiction of any public office of the state or its political subdivisions, which serves to document the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations, or other activities of the office.” See R.C. 149.011. You may request a copy of our records retention schedule, which will familiarize you with the types of records available.

    Exempted Records That Will Not Be Released

    Under Ohio law, some records that meet the above definition will be withheld from release because State or Federal law or Court
    Order makes the record restricted or confidential. Please see Ohio Revised Code 149.43 for a list of records that are exempt from
    disclosure. Some commonly requested records that are exempt from disclosure include:

    • Social Security numbers or other personal identifiers.
    • Records of ongoing investigations.
    • Medical Records.
    • BMV records.
    • Records that a Judge has ordered sealed.
    • Residential and familial information of peace officers, firefighters, EMT’s, prosecutors, children’s services workers and corrections officers.

    Electronic Records

    Pursuant to Court Order , The Hamilton County Clerk of Courts is authorized to maintain digital records of Court Documents.


    Unless a requester certifies to the Clerk of Courts in writing that the request is not intended for commercial purposes, the Clerk of Courts shall treat the request as a commercial request. In such a case, the Clerk of Courts will transmit no more than ten records per month per commercial requester. The public records shall be transmitted within a reasonable period of time after receiving the request. The person or entity making the commercial request must pay in advance the cost of postage and other supplies to be used in the mailing. “Commercial” does not include reporting or gathering news; reporting or gathering information to assist citizen oversight or understanding of the operation or activities of government; or non-profit educational research. Commercial requesters must submit their requests via an email to Commercial records requests submitted through any other channels will not be processed.


    As the custodian of records this office will verify court records. We will not, however, verify identities or personal identifiers as the Clerk’s Office is not the custodian of those records. The sheriff is the custodian of the booking and jail information that uses personal identifiers and the sheriff does perform background checks. For most criminal matters a date of birth is listed on our website. Please visit



    The cost for records is ten cents per page. For certified copies of records, the cost is one dollar per page. Certified copies of records cannot be sent electronically. Local Government and County Agency requests are free.
    This office may require you to pay the estimated copy costs before copies are made. All other copies (e.g., photos, disks, etc.) will be provided at actual cost. If records are mailed to you, we may charge you in advance for postage and the cost of mailing materials.


    If you have questions about a specific public records request made to the Clerk of Courts, please email For more information on Ohio’s Public Records Law, please visit OhioAttorney General’s website at to download a copy of Ohio’s PublicRecords Manual. For the Ohio Rules for Superintendence of the Courts, please visit the Ohio Supreme Court’s website at